Reasons to Join
- Ribbon Cuttings and Ground Breaking Celebrations
- "Proud Member" Decal
- Facebook promotion on the Chamber page
- Member pricing for all chamber events
- All employees are eligible to participate in Chamber events/activities
- Sponsorship/hosting opportunities
- Business Referral Services
- Posting of event listings on Chamber Website
- Welcome in Chamber's newsletter and social media
- Posting of jobs on Chamber website
- Inclusion of business cards/brochure in Chamber lobby
- Subscription to weekly Chamber Community Connection
- Opportunity to serve as Chamber ambassador
- Opportunity to participate in organization committees
- Opportunity to place announcements in Chamber Connection Correspondence
- Opportunity to place events/announcements on Chamber social media
- Government Advocacy: We are respected voice at the local and state level when it comes to protecting and promoting free enterprise and minimizing government interference and taxation.
- Community Involvement
Get connected today by joining the Maumelle Area Chamber of Commerce!